Sunday, June 24, 2012

Music Out and Trailers In

Well one situation with sharing eBook trailers here has been resolved but not by my doing. Playlist no longer allows embedding. My choices of music are still available at PlayList, (which means you could bring it up and then this page in a second window and still see art with music assuming I create any new art). Change is the nature of the internet!

There is an upside to this change-- that automatic playing of music will not interfere with a trailer's music. I like that since lately trailers have been my main creative effort.

That could change as in a week and a half, I will be back at Klamath Lake with my paints. If the weather is good (I am a wimpy outdoor painter), I will do paintings there and might actually have something for here that is not digital.

The neat thing about this is I can now share some other kinds of trailers that I haven't been able to with the conflict. Here's the latest redo (I am working on two others right now). It's 60 seconds for my book Sky Daughter.

I had a trailer for Sky Daughter that was longer (I obviously love playing with these things), but I am seeing that the shorter ones are all viewers have the patience to watch. So be it. The challenge of reducing a trailer to 60 seconds taught me something important about trailers. They should depict the energy of the book. Not everything that happens but the important all encompassing energy. I think this one comes close.

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