Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mixing art and words

I am so into the mixture of art and words to try and depict a story that is many words and imaginary. When I began using stock photos, this process became more fun. I cannot go all out for it as I am only using what money I make on the books. If someone invests a lot of money into books that might not ever sell well, it would be depressing and create a pressure. By doing things as there is money to do it, I can relax about how the books do.

When I decided to create a trailer my stories, something that before this I did not know writers did, I knew the first book would be From Here to There. It is not only about a place I love very much but also a concept that is dear to me. I am happy (for now anyway) with how it shows the story and what it is about.

For a long time I have enjoyed doing videos for our photographs and my digital art. Now the process has moved ahead with a combination of images I bought and my own photos. In this video, all images were adapted by tools either from programs like GIMP 2 or Picasa or my own digital painting. I will eventually get it onto YouTube but for now I am still experimenting and learning more about YouTube.

Soon there will be another video of the book covers on Kindle. And I will do one more book (at least) but am considering which it should be. They are all my children which means I love them all. This is a rewarding project, challenging too. I have no idea whether it will help sell books but I know it helped me enjoy my stories in a new way.

I wrote more about the process in Rain Trueax for anyone who is interested in how it's done for their own. I recommend watching a lot of these on YouTube to get the basics. They aren't all good but they are all educational.

1 comment:

Kay Dennison said...

Fascinating!!! I'm following what you're doing with great interest!