Friday, May 11, 2012

working with embedding

Basically if I keep music here, then embedding won't work as they conflict. Anyone interested in my latest videos can go to

 Or to my  
Or to my 
public Picasa page 
or to my  

and will find the videos and in the case of the writing blog, all the latest books in their latest reincarnated cover style which has changed each maybe three times since I began doing this, plus sometimes embedded videos which may even relate to something besides writing.

Still complaints come from readers (in the Meet Our Author forums at Amazon) that my covers don't look professional-- i.e. weren't done by a graphics artist. I don't mind redoing them when I see it as an obstacle to the reader being able to even look at the sample of the book, but if all they want is to see a professional cover artist doing them, tough for them and me.

I am going to do these covers but am learning about it as I go. Latest learning is regarding the fonts. Ack! they want glossy, fancy fonts like published books have-- except published books don't always have that. I thought just readable and not interfering with the cover art was my goal... not so much evidently.

Anyway on Rain Trueax there be embedding for trailers but here, I'm sticking with the music alongside to suit my mood and maybe someday I'll even get back to art that doesn't relate to the books... maybe...

For now, not only the art but my photographery is a lot aimed at getting  backgrounds or trailers. Friday I was out in the mountains to the south of Tucson getting more of those photos. It is a labor of love to say the least!


Kay Dennison said...

I think that your experiment worked beautifully!!!

Rain Trueax said...

Thank you. My favorite of these trailers is the one for From Here to there. I need to embed it somewhere. I think it's partly because I love Montana and the concept of the story so much. Doing a book trailer is a lot more fun than I would have dreamed. Not sure how much it helps to sell books though.