Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Creative spaces

One of my problems as a creative type person is I want to do too many different kind of things. Sometimes I see that as a serious flaw, and other times I think it just goes with the territory. One thing has remained true, whatever element of art I have been concentrating on, I am always working at something. It's just not often very focused.

For the last four or five months my emphasis has been on writing and in this case editing all the manuscripts I wrote mostly in the 1990s and early 2000s. That has been not so much creative as craft. But then I believe creativity has to have equal portions of craft connected or it's just finger painting for fun or keeping a diary. You have to have the skills (except for a few geniuses) to translate your ideas through a medium of some sort in a way that others can connect with the end result. To say otherwise is to say it's all play.

Anyway the end result of this time of intense writing has meant, where it comes to art, I mostly have done digital covers for the future romantic eBooks or I have been writing or I have been learning something about the writing. For this summer I have stayed focused, but it was not on things that could go here in what I consider the art gallery although I have taken a ton of photographs; which I guess qualify as being creative and I could have put here without it demanding much time as photography is the one constant whether it's photos of me or photos by me.

Anyway the article below is something I came across and loved the ideas about this painter and the studio she has, her lifestyle too. Frankly I believe that part of living a creative life is exactly that-- creating an exciting life.  I work on that for myself and see this kind of studio and art experience from her as something I'd like for myself someday.

Right now my paints have to soon be brought inside and I have to figure out a good place to put them with the idea I might do more with them with fall here and winter on its way. What I did with them this summer due to all the writing time was exactly nothing. I am sure that will change but then I am always sure that will change with so many things.

You'd think by almost 68 that there'd not be a someday in my mind but there is and maybe will 'til the day I die. Anyway for anyone interested in creative spaces, check out this link. I hope it lasts for awhile.

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